Teachers’ Council – Government General Degree College, Mangalkote

Teachers’ Council

Teachers CouncilTC NOTICES 2022TC NOTICES 2023TC NOTICES 2024

The Teachers’ Council is a statutory body formed as per the set of rules outlined by the Appointment Branch, Education Department, Government of West Bengal vide Notification No. 4188-Edn. (A)a. 51-2/70 dated 26th November, 1970, (also known as the J. C. Sengupta Report) relating to the composition and functioning of the Teachers’ Council in government colleges. In compliance with the rules laid down by the J.C. Sengupta Report, the Teachers’ Council of Government General Degree College, Mangalkote, plans, designs and monitors the processes of teaching, learning and evaluation, along with other integral activities such as admission, sports, cultural and extension activities, which are closely connected to the academic life of the college. Through fair and equitable distribution of responsibilities among teachers through a democratic and participatory mechanism of formation of specific committees, the Teachers’ Council aims to achieve high standards in consistency, efficiency and transparency in academic affairs, along with other activities related to physical and mental well-being and progressive growth of the students. The Council meets periodically or as and when need arises to collectively deliberate and decide on issues concerning academic functioning of the college.

At present, Dr. Pinaki Roy, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Sociology, is the Secretary of the Teachers’ Council. The following are the various committees of the Teachers’ Council:

  1. Admission Committee
  2. Examination Committee
  3. Election Committee
  4. Student Affairs Committee
  5. Teachers’ Welfare Committee
  6. UGC and Seminar Committee
  7. Publication Committee
  8. Purchase Committee
  9. Routine Committee
  10. Sports Committee
  11. Website Committee
  12. Women’s Cell
  13. Visakha Cell
  14. Cultural Committee
  15. Canteen Committee
  16. National Service Scheme
  17. Educational Tour Committee
  18. Tabulation and Mark-Sheet Committee
  19. Scholarship Committee
  20. Library Committee
  21. Career Counseling Cell
  22. Remedial Class Committee