Competitive Examination & Communicative English Awareness Cell – Government General Degree College, Mangalkote

Competitive Examination & Communicative English Awareness Cell

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Higher Educational Institutions play a vital role in producing human capital. The development of efficient human capital plays a pivotal role in influencing a country’s competitiveness by increasing labour productivity and economic efficiency. That is why governments always actively encourage the growth of Higher Educational Institutions and provide an ambience that would lead to the all-round development of the students and enable them to survive in the contemporary world of competition. Proficiency in English communication skills and an awareness of various competitive examinations have become an integral part of the academic and professional pursuit of students. A sound knowledge of these two empowers them to encounter the challenges of the modern world. It opens up the avenues to promising careers. Considering the need for students to compete and survive in the academic and professional domain, the Government urged the different Higher Educational Institutions to form an Awareness Cell to groom the students about the various types of competitive examinations and to enhance their English communication skills.

In pursuance of the order issued by the Higher Education Directorate, the Government of West Bengal, the Head of the Institution formed an Awareness Cell (58/22, dated: 06/07/22) for supervising the students in various competitive examinations (UPSC/PSC) and adopting suitable measures to enhance their English communicative skills. The Competitive Examination and Communicative English Awareness Cell composition consists of a Convener, a Joint Convener and four other members. It started its journey in 2022 with an Orientation programme, where the teachers enlightened the students about the importance of knowing the mode, pattern and syllabus of the various examinations and discussed the necessity of being skilful in English communication. Moreover, the students were encouraged to get enrolled in the Cell for guidance. The Cell decided to conduct special monthly sessions, where the teachers of the institution will groom them about the various nuances of competitive examinations and communicative skills. Initially, 71 students registered for enrolment by submitting the Google Form and attended the sessions conducted by the Cell. However, after two months, 15 more students who had not registered, expressed their willingness to attend the sessions and made an application to the Officer-in-Charge. Thus, in the first year of its journey, the Cell is comprised of 86 students, who attended the special classes. In the meantime, two members of the Cell were transferred and one new member was co-opted. The Cell exclusively functions to create awareness about various competitive exams (administrative exams in particular) held throughout India. Moreover, the subject teachers also discussed in detail the different topics of the syllabus of the Civil Service Examinations. The Cell conducts the following activities throughout the year:

  1. Special awareness sessions on Competitive Examinations
  2. Special sessions on Communicative English

Aims and Objectives:

  1. To provide a platform for aspiring students to get necessary help and guidance for administrative examinations in particular and other competitive exams in general.
  2. To assist students in getting study materials, books and other relevant online resources.
  3. To improve the English communicative skills of the students by providing sufficient guidance in reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.
  4. To produce competent and confident students who can assimilate their knowledge and skills to become efficient and ethical professionals.

Future Plan:

  1. Invite officers from civil services and organize motivational sessions for the students.
  2. To collaborate with professional organizations and organize workshops on UPSC, WBPSC and other government job examinations.
  3. Invite external speakers and arrange seminars on communicative English.





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